What Should You Do if You See an Intoxicated Driver?

Here is good advice from Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) from their web site at wwww.madd.org: First, stay as far away from the other vehicle as possible. Second, do not try to pass the vehicle or signal the driver to pull over.  Doing so could result in a collision. Third, take notice of the license […]

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Buyer Beware – Especially With Used Cars

Many of us have had the unfortunate experience of purchasing a “lemon,” a car or other vehicle that you find out does not run properly after you purchase it. Whether Washington residents have any remedy for this problem depends: Was the vehicle new or used? Used vehicles. Many used vehicles are bought “as is” and are […]

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Check Your Credit for Free

You are entitled to a FREE CREDIT REPORT once a year from each of the three major credit bureaus: TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax. You can order all three at once, or you can monitor your credit over time by ordering them one at a time over the course of the year. If requested, credit bureaus […]

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Questions About Health Insurance?

Questions About Health Insurance

Health Insurance Questions Answered by a Tacoma Personal Injury Attorney Here at Fuller & Fuller, we are often asked questions about our clients’ health insurance. The intricacies of the health insurance system are confusing, especially if you have never had to navigate them before. Hopefully this information will help answer some of the questions you, […]

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General Motors Recall

A Personal Injury Attorney Explains How the GM Recall Could Affect You Vehicle safety has been on America’s mind lately, as our news is filled with one car recall after another. The road is not necessarily a safe place, but Fuller & Fuller, Attorneys – a personal injury attorney law firm where all the partners […]

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