Keep Kids Safe in Summer

Kids + summer sports – a winning combination with lots of benefits for children, plus it’s a great way to keep them occupied while they are out of school.
Sports help kids stay happy, fit, and healthy – but don’t let your kids get sidelined by sports injuries.

Biking, rollerblading, skateboarding, playing on playground equipment, jumping on trampolines, and playing soccer, basketball, football, and baseball are among kid’s favorite summer recreational activities. However, these are also the activities that top the list for summer sports injuries.

Protective gear can prevent many sports injuries. Helmets are common equipment used for many of these summer sports. Parents and coaches should enforce their use.

Multiple concussions have a negative effect on developing brains, and helmets go a long way toward protecting what is most precious to us; our children.

At Fuller & Fuller, Attorneys, we have been helping kids with head injuries for over 40 years, and we don’t want to see one more child hurt. Keep them safe this summer!

by Fuller & Fuller Attorneys at Law
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Posted in: Personal Injury