The results of a recent survey by American Baby and Safe Kids Worldwide indicate that new mothers may be among the most distracted drivers on the road. The survey polled nearly 2,400 moms with children under the age of two. Although 63% of the new moms surveyed claim that since giving birth they are more cautious behind the wheel, the results of the survey suggest otherwise.
The study found that 70% of new mothers talk on the phone while driving with their baby in the car, while 26% text while driving. In addition to these electronic distractions, the study also found that new moms are subject to other distractions resulting from lack of attention, fatigue, and feeling overwhelmed. New moms reported that they felt overwhelmed for at least 1/3 of the time that they were driving. This is not surprising given that these new mothers average 5 hours and 20 minutes of consecutive sleep per night, which is less than the average long-haul truck driver.
The goal of the study was not to point the finger at new mothers but rather highlight some of the most common driving mistakes in the hopes of encouraging safer behavior behind the wheel.
To read more about the study and see all of the results, visit:

by Fuller & Fuller Attorneys at Law
Last updated on - Originally published on

Posted in: Car Accidents